

《州際商業法》,Interstate Commerce Act,元照英美法詞典

詞條. Interstate Commerce Act. 中文. 《州際商業法》. 解釋. 〈美〉 1887年2月4日國會通過的法律。用以規範州際商業交易,尤其是州際旅客和貨物運輸。

州際商業,interstate commerce,元照英美法詞典

詞條. interstate commerce. 中文. 州際貿易;州際商業. 解釋. 〈美〉 指不同州之間進行的各種商業交易,包括各種形式的貿易和各種其他方式的商業交易。

Interstate Commerce Commission

The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) was a regulatory agency in the United States created by the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887.

Commerce Clause

The outer limits of the Interstate Commerce Clause power have been the subject of long, intense political controversy. Interpretation of the sixteen words of ...

Interstate commerce

interstate commerce, in U.S. constitutional law, any commercial transactions or traffic that cross state boundaries or that involve more than one state.


The ICC, the first regulatory commission in U.S. history, was established as a result of mounting public indignation in the 1880s ...

interstate commerce | Wex

Interstate commerce is the general term for transacting or transportation of products, services, or money across state borders. Article I section 8 clause ...


(17) The term “interstate commerce” means trade, commerce, transportation, or communication among the several States, or between any foreign country and any ...

What is interstate commerce?

“Interstate commerce” means trade, traffic, or transportation in the United States —. (1) Between a place in a State and a place outside of such State, ...

The Interstate Commerce Act Is Passed

The Interstate Commerce Act showed that Congress could apply the Commerce Clause more expansively to national issues if they involved commerce across state ...